Morning Meditation
Hey bride-to-be!
I wanted to share a quick tip for you that I learned from another bride. It was mid morning and I was curling a lovely bride's hair, and I asked her how she was doing so far. Sometimes on your wedding day morning when you are sitting to get your hair and makeup done, that is the only time you have to breath and reflect, so I love to check in with the bride and see how she is doing! She responded that she was doing good, and she was able to get some meditation in before everyone arrive. I thought that was genius and beautiful!
Even if you've never practiced meditation or even feel like you know how, I think taking 5-10 minutes of your wedding day morning to yourself is key to having a peaceful and relaxing day. Do it before everyone arrives at your getting ready location, or sneak away into the bathroom. Let a timer on your phone for 5-10 minutes, close your eyes, and breath deeply in and out. Spend the first few minutes letting go of all of the things that you are worried about-naming them with each inhale and then letting them go with each exhale. Spend the middle few minutes thinking about your fiance and how much you love each other, and imagine yourself walking down the aisle and all of the joy you will feel. Then for the last few minutes, just breath in and out and quiet your mind. It seems simple and basic, and it is! There is no right or wrong way to do it, so i encourage you to find space for yourself on your wedding day morning and set yourself up for success.
Happy planning!!
Heidi :)