Changing your mind
You've had a trial run. You think you know what direction you want to go and then leading up to your wedding day you start to question it, and then you wake up on the day of your wedding and you want to change your mind! Do you need to panic? Heck no! The purpose of the trail, in my expert opinion, is so that I, as your stylist, can get to know your hair type, your wedding, your style, and your preferences. If you change your mind 100 times before your wedding day that is just fine! Yes, I am comfortable trying something new because now that I’ve met you and I’ve learned more about your hair I feel confident I can create the exact style that you love-even if we didn’t practice it exacty.
This weekend I had two weddings, and both of the brides changed their minMSS completely from what we did at the trail. And both turned out awesome! I will show you before pictures below and you can see how you really can’t go wrong, both look so beautiful, it’s just a matter of what you feel most comfortable with on the day of your wedding!
Bride one, Mayra:
trial one option one:
trial run option 2:
Wedding day!
Bride two, Jennifer:
trial one, option 1:
trial run, option 2:
Wedding Day!