Trial Runs: Know Before You Go

Hey friends!

Here in Minnesota we're gearing up for wedding season, and lots of you brides are checking the boxes off of your wedding "to do" lists. Your hair and makeup trial is one you're probably excited for! Here are some tips to make sure you get the best experience from your trial run:

1. Send your artists a few inspiration pictures in advance so they can prepare a bit for your trial and ask any questions they may have before you actually meet for your trial run. This will help your artists be prepared!

2. Bring inspiration photos to your trial of what you like and also what you dislike. That helps your artists get a full idea of your style.

3. Bring your veil, hair accessories, and earrings if you have them. It's really fun to be able to get an idea of your complete look, and helps your hairstylist know how to place everything securely.

4. Wear white. You'll get a better feel for how your hair and makeup will look with your wedding dress.

5. Don't wear your hair in a ponytail all day prior to your trial, and don't wear tons of makeup that will use up a lot of time removing it. Do have photos of yourself in your regular makeup look to give your artist an idea of what you like.

6. Bring friends! It's so helpful to have the opinions of people that know you well-especially if you're the type that needs some feedback from trusted pals.

7. Ask tons of questions and share all of your concerns before you get started. This is your time that you're paying for, so make sure to talk about everything you to want to talk about.

8. Biggest tip: BE HONEST! Please please please be honest about everything. You've gotta share if you like your hair and makeup or not-we won't be offended! (And if they are....get a new hair and makeup artist!). The trial is the time to try out what you want to try out, and to share your honest feedback!

Lastly, just have fun with it! Schedule a date with your fiance or a girls night out after your trial-may as well show it off!

Heidi :)